Who will need to bring a device in?

All senior school pupils including 6th form need to bring a personal laptop / tablet device to school as part of their day to day equipment.

Will devices be used in all lessons?

No. Teachers will decide when is most appropriate to ask pupils to use their devices. We are asking pupils to bring their device in every day so that pupils and teachers are equipped for every eventuality. The unplanned opportunity to make use of technology is often as useful as those moments that specifically lend themselves to digital work. We continue to value the importance of reading, writing and numeracy. It is unlikely that pupils will spend a whole lesson in front of their screens. Teachers will plan lessons that make periodic use of devices, blended with a range of other activities.

Can devices be plugged in at school?

We're asking pupils to ensure that their devices are fully charged each evening.  It may be possible to plug a device in at school but the device must have a current Portable Appliance Test from school and plugging a device in is always at the discretion of the teacher to ensure that cables won't cause a trip hazard etc.

Are there any additional costs?

The device, case, headphones and insurance cover are the only costs envisaged. Where and when teachers ask students to purchase apps or subscriptions, these will be discretionary and no requirement to purchase will be made of the pupil. In addition, the school holds licences to a wide range of online resources to which pupils have access.

Why doesn’t the school fund provision for mobile devices?

Research has demonstrated that when a student owns the device outright, engagement and care of the device increases. In addition, bringing the device to and from school and back home means that the same device can be used in both locations. Pupils are free to personalise their own device and become highly familiar with its use.

What restrictions are in place to ensure appropriate use in school?

The school has stringent  internet filters and firewalls in place. It is recommended that devices with mobile data connections are not used. This is so that pupils use the school’s internet connection and are therefore safe in the knowledge that what they are accessing falls within the school’s acceptable use policy. Using the school’s internet connection also avoids the risk of data costs. The school prioritises internet safety and has in place a wide range of initiatives so that pupils are aware of how to behave online.

Can a 9.7" iPad with a keyboard be used?

Whilst our minimum specifications states 10"+ screen size we think this is close enough!

Will devices be replacing exercise books?

No, laptops/devices are expected to be used as an additional tool to support teaching and learning.  

Whose responsibility is it to back up data?

Data and documents that are stored locally on the device are the responsibility of the pupil. We recommend that students make use of the school’s OneDrive cloud storage solution. This is regularly backed up and is a more secure way of storing documents. Access to the OneDrive requires an internet connection and so, if pupils wish to work offline, they may wish to store some documents locally (on the device itself).

Does the device need to be connected to our WiFi at home?

Whilst this is not required, a WiFi connection at home will enable pupils to make full use of the device’s connectivity and provide them with access to school and wider resources.

How can I ensure my child is using their device appropriately at home?

We recommend that all parents monitor their children’s internet and device use. For further advice, please see the links below.

Will public examinations be taken using a laptop?

The public examination system requires the vast majority of pupils to hand write their responses and the use of a laptop in examinations is heavily regulated. The Head of Learning Support must assess any pupil who may need to use a laptop in an exam and there has to be a demonstrable learning need for this permission to be granted.

Will my child's device be safe at school?

All devices, cases, headphones and charging adaptors should be clearly labelled. It is likely that many pupils will have similar devices so it is essential that they are identifiable. All pupils have a locker at school and they should store their device in their locker when it is not in use or with them. When it is not stored in their locker, pupils should have their device with them at all times.

The school will not accept responsibility for any device which is damaged, lost or stolen. We strongly recommend that devices are insured.