Where to begin?

The pages contained in this transition 'hub' are here to help you bridge the gap between your current studies and those which you will begin in September. You will find a wide range of materials to enrich your knowledge and understanding as well as helping you to develop the study skills and personal qualities required for success as you make the next steps in your education and development. We strongly encourage you to engage fully with the content provided here and hope you enjoy the materials we have put together for you in the coming weeks.

What will be expected of me?

Much of the content in this 'hub' is designed to allow you to complete it independently, at your own pace. You will be expected to manage your own learning rather than following a set timetable, to give you some experience of the independence a successful sixth form, university or professional career requires.

For fifth year students, we will ask you to 'sign up' for the specific subjects whose materials you are going to complete in the coming weeks. We will expect you to sign up for the 3 subjects you have selected for BTEC or A level study (you can sign up for additional subjects too if you would also like to explore others further), and there will an expectation that you will attend a regular seminar or drop-in session with subject teachers to access help and support as well as monitoring your progress. Separate instructions on signing up will be circulated.

For Upper Sixth students, there is no requirement to 'sign up' for specific subjects. You can explore all of the content you wish to independently.

How should you structure your time?

Whilst you will no longer have a formal ‘timetable’ to follow, we believe that maintaining a sense of structure and routine will be really important in the coming weeks, particularly at a time when all of our resilience in terms of occupying ourselves is being tested. Our advice is that you spend a couple of hours each day working on some of these transition materials, divided up between your chosen subjects. On the transition hub, you will find some suggestions of how you can manage your time to ensure that you keep a sense of motivation and purpose as well as having some time to rest and relax.

Subject specific materials 

For fifth year students, you will find pages dedicated to each academic subject which can be studied at BTEC or A level. On each page, there is a package of study suggestions and resources. These are not an opportunity to start syllabus content early; they are designed to help you develop the skills and secure the foundation knowledge that will help to ensure you make a good start to your courses in September. 

For sixth form students, you will find pages dedicated to each of your current subjects. On each page, there is a package of study suggestions and resources. These are designed to stretch and enrich your knowledge and understanding beyond the confines of an A level or BTEC syllabus, as well as exploring topics which may be covered in greater depth as part of a degree or course of further education. 

Study skills materials

You will also find a section dedicated specifically to study and learning skills. Here, you will find a range of interactive resources designed to help you discover more about how to study effectively and techniques that can help you achieve success in your learning. 

For fifth year students, pages in this section will focus on the skills required for success in sixth form, grouped into five broad areas: research skills, organising your time and analysing subject materials, communication skills, critical thinking, and collaboration skills. Remember too that these materials will continue to be accessible during your time in sixth form at Pocklington - so you can come back for a refresher any time you need to!

For our sixth form students, pages in this section will develop each of these skills areas a little further by considering what might now be needed to continue your success at university when you are working with an even greater degree of independence. Many of these materials link to specific advice put together by university libraries and study support services so you can be sure that the advice given is current and relevant!

Careers Guidance

The next section of materials is focused on Careers. Here, you will find a range of resources and links to help you explore a vast array of Careers opportunities. This will include materials to help you explore what sort of routes might be right for you as well as practical suggestions of ways in which you can develop your portfolio of skills and work experience, and 'how to' guides for important tasks such as compiling a CV, completing an application and delivering an effective interview.

Life Skills

Whether you're just beginning your sixth form career, or it is coming to an end, you are likely to be thinking about ‘next steps’ and considering the sort of skills you might need to develop if you go to university and live independently. Even if you decide that this is not the right route for you, you will still need to learn how to manage your finances, how to plan a budget, how to drive, how to cook….all crucial skills for taking care of yourself safely in the future! In this section of the hub, you will find some introductory resources which may help you to start honing your knowledge in some of these areas.

Leadership Skills

Finally, you will find a section dedicated to 'Leadership Skills'. Here, we will be compiling a range of resources, presentations, and hints and tips focused on supporting you to develop the personal qualities necessary for success - in your education, but also in your adult lives. What does effective leadership look like? How can you take personal responsibility for your actions? How can you inspire and motivate others? All of these important topics will be covered and we hope to offer some opportunities for interactive, online sessions to explore them further in the coming weeks.

Good luck and do your best!