Herzlichen Glueckwunsch! Du bist fertig mit dem Abi! Herzlichen Dank!

Well done on completing your A level studies - what a way to end! 

If you are thinking about continuing with German, this page will help you think of some ideas to keep deine Sprache going. 

**Remember** it is the little and often approach that works best with languages and I always think they are like riding a bike - you never forget.


Reading will certainly help you maintain your high level of German, here's 100 must-reads according to Deutsche Welle:

You are a 'Meister' in ..Andorra'', so why not have a look at the other specification books:

  • Heinrich Böll Die verlorene Ehre der Katharina Blum 
  • Bertolt Brecht Mutter Courage und ihre Kinder 
  •  Friedrich Dürrenmatt Der Besuch der alten Dame
  • Heinrich Heine Gedichte – Buch der Lieder 
  • Jana Hensel Zonenkinder 
  • Franz Kafka Die Verwandlung 
  •  Wladimir Kaminer Russendisko
  •  Siegfried Lenz Fundbüro 
  •  Bernhard Schlink Der Vorleser


Perhaps films are more your 'Ding'. Surely you know ,,Das Leben der Anderen'' word for word by now, why not have a look at ein paar others:

Good bye, Lenin! Wolfgang Becker (2003)

Die fetten Jahre sind vorbei Hans Weingartner (2005) 

Almanya – Willkommen in Deutschland Yasemin Samdereli (2011) 

Sophie Scholl – Die letzten Tage Marc Rothemund (2005)


Lola rennt Tom Tykwer (1998)

Netflix: lots of German programmes/films on here. Why not try watching your favourite film with German subtitles? Here's a helpful list of current choices (subject to change):



DVDs: Check out your own collection of DVDs and see if you can watch any auf Deutsch or with German 'Untertitel'.


The Oxford University Modern Languages Admissions Tests are a great Platz to start to test all your knowledge. There are past papers which are toll grammar practice even if you denkt nicht an Oxford!


https://german.net/ also provides a comprehensive list of interactive activities, which can be marked, too.

Your A Level Grammar workbook will also be nützlich!


Keep listening to your favourite German artists and have a go at some https://lyricstraining.com/de/.


Wise Guys 


You will still need to know what's going on in the world so why not keep up to date with current affairs auf Deutsch:

BILD https://www.bild.de/

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung https://www.faz.net/aktuell/

Süddeutsche Zeitung https://www.sueddeutsche.de/

Die Welt https://www.welt.de/


Hier are a selection of free online courses, which have been designed to help with your transition to uni Leben:

https://hwb.gov.wales/playlists/view/bbf64e57-3191-4a6d-94b3-f08b3dc5af69/en/1 these courses have been specifically designed for U6 pupils to help with their transition to University

hwb.gov.wales/playlists/view/bbf64e57-3191-4a6d-94b3-f08b3dc5af69/en/4? Language courses

www.open.edu/openlearn/free-courses/full-catalogue Open University free courses


PODCASTS are always handy to listen to ab und zu:




A bit of German culture will broaden your horizons:

The Germany Panorama has put together over 2,000 virtual tours of German destinations: http://www.deutschland-panorama.de/

Googeln any museums who are offering virtual tours, zB. the Bode Museum in Berlin: http://bode360.smb.museum/?wt_zmc=nl.int.zonaudev.zeit_online_zeitmagazinnewsletter_zmo_newsletter_200316.nl_ref.zeitde.bildtext.link.20200316&utm_medium=nl&utm_campaign=nl_ref&utm_content=zeitde_bildtext_link_20200316&utm_source=zeit_online_zeitmagazinnewsletter_zmo_newsletter_200316_zonaudev_int 


A real test will be some TED talks, here's the top 5 Empfehlungen in German:

1. KomfortZone Zukunft

2. Denkt wie ein Designer

3. Ambiguitätstoleranz

4. Gedicht Slammer

5. Auf Holz Gebaut