Wow! So, you might go on to continue Spanish after you have left school! Well, here you will find useful resources to help you to develop your Spanish beyond A Level and enrich your cultural knowledge even further too. ¡Diviértete!

Reading list

These are the books and films that are on the AQA A Level Spanish syllabus and it would be a good place to start to get to know some of the other texts and films that are studied at this level. The starred  ones are the most popular for studying at A Level:

  • *Federico García Lorca La casa de Bernarda Alba
  • Gabriel García Márquez Crónica de una muerte anunciada
  • *Laura Esquivel Como agua para chocolate
  • Ramón J. Sender Réquiem por un campesino español
  • Carlos Ruiz Zafón La sombra del viento
  • Isabel Allende La casa de los espíritus
  • Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer Rimas
  • *Fernando Fernán-Gómez Las bicicletas son para el verano
  • Luis de Castresana El otro árbol de Guernica
  • Gabriel García Márquez El coronel no tiene quien le escriba


Your A Level grammar workbook will be an excellent guide to consolidating your grammar knowledge and for further practice to hone your skills before further study. 

  • *El laberinto del fauno Guillermo del Toro (2006)
  • *Ocho apellidos vascos Emilio Martínez-Lázaro (2014)
  • María, llena eres de gracia Joshua Marston (2004)
  • *Volver Pedro Almodóvar (2006)
  • Abel Diego Luna (2010)
  • Las 13 rosas Emilio Martínez-Lázaro (2007)

Find Guillermo del Toro's director's commentary el largometraje del Laberinto del Fauno in Spanish here:

Find a list of otras películas españolas to watch on Netflix aquí:

Más series españolas en Netflix:

More recommended reading:


Follow people, artists or news feeds on social media:

Your favourite artists or bands eg. Alvaro Soler, Nicky Jam, La Oreja de Van Gogh, Bebe, Ozuna, Rosalía, David Bisbal, Gipsy Kings, Mecano

News feeds from major newspapers: 

El País

El Mundo

20 minutos

España Noticias

BBC Mundo

Este enlace will take you to the MLATs; the Oxford University Modern Languages Admissions Tests. There are past papers which are excellent grammar practice; útiles even if no quieres ir a Oxford!

Free online courses these courses have been diseñados específicamente designed for U6 pupils para ayudarles con their transition to University Language courses Open University free courses


Subscribe to Easy Spanish here:


Literally miles de Spanish podcasts can be found here:

These are cuentos de hadas, read and illustrated beautifully and son muy buenos para improving listening skills y gramática:


Find your way around los sitios de web de unos museos to find out more about the las obras maestras de famous artists.

Museo Del Prado: 

Reina Sofía:


TED talks in Spanish

Una lista de TED talks en español está aquí: